
Soaring Skies - Dragon Enamel Pins

Created by SpectroliteAAA

Didn't get a chance to back the kickstarter? but still wanted in on the Kickstarter prices for the Sky Dragon enamel pin set? Here's your chance! Pre-Orders should be shipped out by Feb of 2022!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

almost 3 years ago – Tue, Apr 05, 2022 at 03:25:19 PM

New Tea Dragon KS is live! 

Bright and early, on the 5th just as I planned! Muahaha! Mystic Tea Party, Dragon Enamel Pin set!

I'm super stoked and proud of this one. I really wanted to make each pin unique from the others with no recolor, but them a be different and individual from one another in design and personality. :3 

I'm on a flight to Cali, so I gotta hurry before the plane takes off! But see you guys over at the Mystic Tea Party! I'll update the graphics when I land! Lol we already unlocked the first goal. 🤣🤣🤣💙💙💙 you guys are too fast. Live you guys! Thank you! 🍵🧋💙

London Fog
Honey Lavender
Sleepy Time Chamomile

This is the first half of the set! We have 4 more and they have yet to be revealed!

Etys Sale! - New KS almost here!
almost 3 years ago – Thu, Mar 31, 2022 at 11:21:56 PM

We are running a 15% off Sale on Etsy for ALL our stuff!

We kinda got hit hard with a financial surprise, and not the good kind lol So we are running an Emergency Sale on our Etsy to help me and my boyfriend out haha. XD SO! surprise we are running a sale! the 15% OFF discount applies to EVERYTHING on our shop, lasts all of April, and this includes all the new pins that came from this kickstarter! So even the entire Sky Dragon set is available, and we also just had restock on our best sellers that were out, so we have almost all of our inventory in stock! :D

Just thought I'd let you guys know cuz I get a LOT of people asking if my pins are available after kickstarters or if there's a way to purchase any pins from past KS's and YES always on our Etsy shop! :D 

If you guys aren't interested in buying anything, I super understand! but if it isn't too much to ask,  guys could share that we are running a sale it would be SOOO helpful!!! ((but no pressure tho! Thank you guys for everything, I don't want to ask anything of you guys)) 💙

Next KS is gonna launch soon too! Tea Dragons! :D Still aiming around April 5th, maybe the 4th!  

This is the final design for the Macha Green Tea boy! He's going to be one of the later/higher  stretchgoals, so for the VERY FEW people that read this update, you guys get to see a sneak peak of this little tea boy before he'll even be revealed on the kickstarter, as he's gonna be a hidden KS goal. 👀👀👀 So oooOOOooo you guys get to see him before anyone else! :D 

Next Kickstarter coming soon!
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Mar 30, 2022 at 04:10:16 PM

Hi guys! With the close of this kickstarter, I Just wanted to give you guys a heads up, that I am ADDICTED To make enamel pins, and I just can't seem to stop. I'm launching another kickstarter in about a week from now. So be on the look out! :D I'll make another update here when it launches! 

The theme will be Tea Dragons!

Another dear love of mine, tea! There are so many different types of teas out there that there's so much to draw inspiration from, and tea just feels so magical and matches cute dragons so well! So I will be taking tea leaves, and tea blends and making them into dragons! Such as Rooibos, Macha Green Tea, London Fog, Tai Tea, Masala Chai, Sleepy Time Chamomile etc! :D  I'm so stoked and I already have almost all the designs done and prepared for the launch! Thinking about launching April 5th!

here's one of the designs! (draft susceptible for some changes) Macha Green teaDragon!!

 ALSO! My friend is running a Dice KS right now!

A Close friend of mine is runner her fist kickstarter featuring dice, and enamel pins!! Baby's first KS would like you to see it, and possibly share it around Twitter/insta/tiktok etc if anyone is willing! They are themed after different classes from DnD! From Paladin, to Wizard, to Druid etc! they are sharp edge sparkle dice and they are awesome!!! I thought you guys might be interested because I feel like Dragons and DnD/Dice go so well together, and did want you guys to miss such a cool opportunity!  Check it out!

This is a vid I took! THEY ARE AWESOME! like galaxies!

I'm her roommate so I've seen these dice in person and let me tell you they are beautiful!  So if you guys want Sharp Edge sparkle dice that has more than just a number on it, check out her KS!  she has little stories for each of the designs too it's awesome!

All Pins available on Etsy Now!
about 3 years ago – Thu, Mar 03, 2022 at 11:37:43 PM

All the pins from this kickstarter are available on our Etsy shop now! :D

Now that all the rewards are shipped out, All the enamel pins are available for purchase on me and Braivety's Etsy shop here! 

We also have almost all the Dragon Enamel Pins from my past kickstarter, more pins that are Etsy Exclusive  made outside of Kickstarter, and we still have stock from my Nightshade Dragon Plushie (exclusive to US sadly, sorry international) AND Not only all that, but we even have prints of my artwork, and all of Braivety's poke pins from all of his kickstarters, and very soon later this month he'll have a new water set coming out! 

I also have other new pins Exclusive on our Etsy page!

Not too long ago, I was able to get a few pins done out of my pocket and boy they are adorable too! 

On my first KS, I did a small crystal dragon set, however over time I wanted to update the Amethyst and Citrine Dragon, and they are here as well! 

New Amethyst and Citrine Dragons!

Plans for more Mini Pins to match the sets of the dragons

The Soaring Skies dragon set was only the start of introducing more mini accent filler pins to match the dragons! I fully plan on making a set of four mini pins for each set, so that would be the Crystal Dragons set,  Space Dragons set, Tiny Dragon Set, and the Four Seasons Dragons set! While it'll take a while to get all the sets as I will not be running a kickstarter to make them all, and just invest out of my pocket for this, I did manage to grow the collection by getting the Four Seasons Mini Pin set! and one day, I will get the rest and more to come with more Dragon sets!

Four Seasons Mini Pin set!


This KS is practically wrapped up!

Thank you all for supporting this project and help making these sky boys come to life! All the rewards have been shipped out, and everyone that had issues with their rewards that needed fixing are updated and sent out as well! I'm still waiting on a few people to get back to me, but I will fix up those small few once they email me back. So that's nothing getting in the way of Etsy or starting a new project, as oncoming support to you guys is a never ending process for me, as that's all on my end as I will always fix up rewards that are missing something, damaged, or lost, and I deal with those upon oncoming emails. No Matter how long it's been since the KS has ended. (again, please check your emails guys and see if you got an email from me at [email protected] incase I need to contact you about your reward!) 

Small update: CHECK YOUR EMAILS!
about 3 years ago – Mon, Feb 28, 2022 at 10:32:31 PM


I just wanted to make a small updated, especially cuz I meant to do this days ago and I was bad and didn't till today heh heh...  SO ...  For the small handful of people that I needed to contact about issues regarding your rewards, I have finished sending out all those EMAILS! (not KS DM's) I've kept to emailing as I have a specific email to handle business and it keeps things organized rather than jumping back and forth between platforms where I might accidently miss someone. So please check your emails! :D Be sure to check spam emails as well and look for an email from me. my email is [email protected] :) 

The sooner everyone gets back to me to find a solution with their reward, the faster we can wrap this kickstarter up. <3 Thank you ALL SO MUCH! 

IF you didn't get an email from me.

If you check your email and have not received an email from me, than that's great! That means there's no issue I need to fix up with your reward, and your reward was sent out fully fulfilled like normal. :> (this is gong to be like 99% of you guys. so pretty normal not to get an email from me. :> ) 

Australian backers. Full refunds for you all. 

I have fully refunded ALL of my Australian backers (both a refund from KS, and if add-ons via Backerkit survey.) AND also sent out an email to you all expanding on the subject. :> Once again so sorry it is impossible for me to send out your rewards! So sad there's a shipping suspension from the US and Australia because of covid. :C Thank you for supporting me. I wish I could send out your guys' pins. 


I talked about this in the last update, but I want to say again. Because there is like 500 of you guys, and I am one person, sometimes I miss things. ALSO, sometimes packages fall into the void when they are shipped, or shipping companies like to abuse packages (totally outside of my control)  so please Email me if you're missing anything or if it's damaged, and if it's been (1 month for USA, 3 months for international from now) lost in the mail, or for ANY OTHER REASON! Please email me at [email protected] :D 

here's the link to the last update if you want to see more info on what to do if you're reward has an issue. :>