
Soaring Skies - Dragon Enamel Pins

Created by SpectroliteAAA

Didn't get a chance to back the kickstarter? but still wanted in on the Kickstarter prices for the Sky Dragon enamel pin set? Here's your chance! Pre-Orders should be shipped out by Feb of 2022!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys are all sent!!!
over 2 years ago – Mon, Oct 04, 2021 at 11:25:36 PM

Survey's are out!

Hey guys! I just clicked the button that sends all you guys surveys! :D 

So please check your emails! And or your Spam! (Sometimes they end up there) Please fill these out! :D Not sure which email it's going to? it'll be whatever email is attached to your Kickstarter, so be sure to check That email! :> 💙

Please don't ignore the survey! These aren't surveys that rate the kickstarter's performance etc which seem like a waste of time, it is me asking for what pins you would like, so I need you guys to fill this out so I know your order/reward, and your shipping address, so I cannot fulfill your reward without you filling this out, so don't ignore! :D 💙

I will be locking orders around the 20th, so be sure you've decided which pins you want, cuz after that you can't change your survey results!! :>

We also have a pre-order store link here! Only lasts a week!

If you or anyone you know missed the Kickstarter deadline and still wanted to get pins from this KS with the KS discount, this is your link here! :D They will be fullfilled the same time as Kickstarter rewards, so about Jan-Feb. :) 


Q1) But I Haven't Gotten my Survey?

- If you haven't received your survey, be sure to check your spam box because sometimes they like to fall in there. :P If you still haven't received your survey, even in your spam box, go to this link!

  in this link put in your email and another Backerkit survey will be sent to your email! :D (once again be sure to check your spam for the new survey as well) If you still haven't gotten your survey, go to Q2 below :>

Q2) "I still don't have a survey after checking my Spam and going through the Link D:" or " I keep receiving errors on my survey refraining me from completing my survey!"

- If you still can't seem to get your survey, or if your survey is getting errors that is prohibiting you from completing your survey, Please private message me here on Kickstarter OR email me at [email protected] and I can manually fulfill your reward outside of Backerkit/Kickstarter. Yes this means leaving your survey incomplete, So you have to email/DM me so I can get your information. The information I need is, what reward you pledged to, what pins you want to fulfill your pledge, your shipping address, and if you want add-ons. Once I have your information you are added to my list of people that fall under this category and I will ship out your reward and notify you with tracking in July when I ship the rest of the rewards. If you want add-ons I can simply send you a paypal invoice so you can pay for the extra pins. :)

No matter what I will do my best to get your pledge/reward out to you no matter what! <3

Q3) What if I don't fill out my survey by October 20th?

While I encourage everyone too fill out the surveys as soon as you can, it is totally ok if you miss the 20th lock date. Locking orders are for Completed surveys so the totals of each pin I need to order don't dramatically change so I have accurate numbers to purchase the pins for manufacturing. You won't be "locked" out from completing the survey, you'll still be able to fill out the survey no problem, so you'll still get your reward regardless. ^_^

 Q4) What if I need to update/change my address after the 20th once surveys are locked?

If after the 20th, or even as late as early February of next year, you need to change your address for ANY reason but cannot because your survey is locked, that is no problem! DM here on KS or email me at [email protected] and give me your new address privately, and I myself will manually update the address to your survey for you so you get the reward shipped to your current address. ^_^

Q5) What if I miss/can't pay for add-ons by the 20th. Is there a way I can still get Add-ons and pay later?

Yes! If you miss the deadline to get add-ons, or want to get add-ons but can't pay until after the 20th, DM me here on Kickstarter or Email me at [email protected] and I can send you a paypal invoice to get the extra pins, and I will ship them out with your reward in July similar to the Q2 above.

Q6) I missed backing the kickstarter completely, and I want to still get some pins from the kickstarter, is it too late for me to back the project?

Yes absolutely! Infact I have a pre-order store right here! 

This is your chance to get these pins with the Kickstarter discount even though you missed the kickstarter itself! Same with anyone you might know that still wants to get it as well.  However it only lasts a week! So be sure to fill it out ASAP! 

Surveys for smoke test are sent out!
over 2 years ago – Mon, Oct 04, 2021 at 11:23:25 PM

All the backerkit survey stuff is all set up and approved! so I sent out my "smoke test" today, which is essentially me only sending in surveys to 5% of my backers, just to make sure everything is smooth before sending the survey to the remaining 95% of you guys. 

So everyone please your emails! And be sure to check your spam, sometimes backerkit surveys end up there! 

I'll be sending out the rest of the surveys either tonight or tomorrow, so if you checked your email and you didn't get your survey, that's ok! it'll pop up after I have enough people form the smoke test fill their surveys out. And if you got your survey in your email now, then you got selected for the smoke test by random, and fill it out, as that is the real survey. ^_^ Thank you guys so much!

I'll make a new update once I send out ALL the surveys, and an FAQ about them and what to expect from there soon. 

BIG UPDATE! - Back from Travels - WE FINISHED AT 25K!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Sep 24, 2021 at 07:10:10 PM

I have returned from my travels!

Thank you so much everyone for being so patient. I was really worried about the pile up of messages I haven't had the time, or wifi to get to, but hahah luckily I only had 1 question, and all other messages were either spam people offering to "buy this thing and we'll help you're KS grow", or hahaha the fact that there's a typo under my Timeline about me Shitting out packages, and not shipping*** them HAHAHA which I just found hilarious. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 oops! welp, too late now hahaha can't edit the KS once it's finished, so I suppose it is written in stone, HAHAHA thank you everyone for trying your best to convey your concern. 😂😂😂 It gave me quite the laugh haha.

All the Pins Update

So we ended on 25k! Just 2k shy of the 27K to unlock our final pin design, the Dusk and Dawn Dragon. but ya know, I was thinking... Backerkit is going to still make some money for the campaign, so we are going to consider the last and final Dragon design, Dusk and Dawn, unlocked! So consider every design being unlocked and available for you to pick on your Backerkit survey! If I have to pay one or two hundred dollars out of pocket to accommodate, that's not too bad. 👍

Backerkit Survey coming in about a week!

Normally I have the Backerkit survey ready and approved before the end of the campaign, but as I just got home yesterday, I haven't been able to make it yet, so it'll take a few days for it to be approved, and for Cards on KS to be charged, so expect your Backerkit Survey in your email in about a week!  So keep an eye on your email! This survey is not a "how did we do?" survey, this is the questionnaire that tells me what pins you want! If you do not fill out the survey, I will not know what pins you want nor your shipping address and thus you won't get your reward! so be on the look out! Check Spam and stuff too! I'll make an update when surveys are sent so you have a reminder and not left waiting!

Survey FAQ:

---Is it possible for me to get more pins than my selected reward tier? Can I get more than 10?:

The answer is YES!  On the Backerkit Survey after you pick out what pins you want for your reward tier, you will be asked if you are interested in purchasing Add-Ons, aka, additional pins! So from there, you can add as MANY pins of any design(s) as you want of the kickstarter designs until you heart is content!

--- How will I get my Backerkit Survey?

Your Backerkit Survey will be sent to whatever email is attached to your kickstarter account.  So if you aren't sure what email that is, go into your account settings and check  what email you have attatched to your Kickstarter, and be on the look out for the survey on that email in about a week. I will make another update stating when Backerkit Surveys are sent out.

--- Will I be able to purchase other Dragon Enamel pins from past Campaigns?

Yes! While I won't have every single design from the past as some of them are sadly retired,  I will have some Dragon pins from my past campaigns available to purchase as Add-Ons, on the Backerkit Survey. Worst case scenario tho, check out me and my boyfriend's Etsy Shop! We sell the Dragons pins, and his pins on our Etsy shop year round!

One Week Left! - Update on possible locked pins
over 2 years ago – Mon, Sep 20, 2021 at 12:03:49 PM

Wow I can't believe we already have one week left!

It feels so weird running a kickstarter right now lol. Back in 2019, I had a bunch of convention tables that were then postponed do to Covid, and now they are hitting literally NOW all at once.  I've been traveling every to every other week, and as am only now home to make this quick update before leaving AGAIN 2 days from now AAH! So please forgive me for not being as active during the process of this Kickstarter or late to messages, I hardly have internet or time at con/travels. It feels as though the kickstarter has just started and there's only one week left already?! Oh man it went by in the blink of an eye for me! 

WOW! We have raised $18,000 dollars!? That's actually wild! I know the recessed metal is a bit much, and I was pretty nervous about not being able to unlock all the pins, and that looks like it might be so, and that's ok! For any pin we don't unlock here on kickstarter, I might pay out of my own pocket to get the 2 maybe 3 pins that MIGHT not quite make it. Which, if that ends up being the case, I won't be able to let anyone pick any pin designs that will not be unlocked via the kickstarter/survey, because we won't have the money to fulfill kickstarter rewards with them AND pin stock for my Etsy Shop. (because you essentially need to order/pay for triple the amount of the pins in order to have stock for both KS rewards and the shop, that's why it get's so expensive the bigger a kickstarter gets, not even counting taxes/fees/shipping that also get pricier the bigger a KS gets) However, for any pin that will not make it, I should be able to order a small amount of pins for my Etsy shop of those designs out of pocket, cuz that's a few hundred dollars I can spare out of my Etsy Paycheck, and 2 pins won't break my bank (I want them!)  So in a nut shell, any pin that isn't unlocked here and cannot be selected as a reward for the kickstarter/backerkit survey,  I will buy a small order of them with my own money as Etsy/Convention exclusives, after the Kickstarter has completed. :) 

But hopefully we won't need to, there's still a week left and I know there's a big boost the last 3 days of the KS, so we'll have to see! I am very confident that we should unlock the Eclipse Solar Dragon soon for sure!  Hang in there guys!!! Thank you so much!

I'm back! And revealed Color Variants for the Additional StretchGoals!
over 2 years ago – Sun, Sep 05, 2021 at 04:13:32 PM

Sorry I was gone for so long! But I'm back now and everything is revealed and updated! :D 

I hope you guys like the sunset Dragon, and all the color variations to all of them! Spent all day doing this! 

Check them out if you haven't already seen them! :D Everything in this kickstarter is shown, so it's up to you to see if you want to raise or lower your pledges now that you see all the options. Again really trying to keep this kickstarter smaller so I don't have 25+ designs to deal with, so I hope you like these 5 and the color variants for a spread of 10 Enamel Pins (not counting mini pin set and Axolotl)

We've made so much money for such a small amount of pins that I have to get SO many of each! plus with fee's growing as a percentage in proportion to the amount made, I have calculated how much I need for the remainder of these metal carved boys, and have shown all the stretchgoals to unlock all of them as well. I've never ran pins so expensive as recessed metal, and as detailed, so it's a little intimidating for me NGL, BUT if we REALLY FUCKING ROCK THIS I bet we can unlock them all, especially with still 22 days left to go! :D Thank you all so much for the support!!!hfrkjhfjklrew]